Dear Sir,
I am writing to you as I am a huge fan of your confectionary products! I believe that Mars Bars and Snickers are the best sweets ever! But I have noticed that they are often cheaper than your rivals products, why is this? I have at least 3 Mars Bars, a Snickers and a Twix a day (sometimes I might buy a Kinder Bueno instead of the third Mars though, I hope you are not too angry)!
After all these years of chocolate eating I have a new product suggestion. As you maybe aware the best part of a Mars bar is the caramel, and the worst bit is the nougat. My suggestion is to make a new Mars Bar without the nougat and just lots of caramel! This would be undoubtedly popular! You could call it Mars Caramel, or even better; The Venus Bar! The logo could be the planet Venus being eaten by a Venus Fly Trap!
I also enjoy your Opal Fruits product, but recently I have noticed that they are nowhere to be found! Have they been taken off the market? I hope not! They were the perfect compliment to a summer’s day!
Yours faithfully
Robert Walker
P.S. What’s your favourite sweet?
Dear Mr Walker,
We recieve many letters from the general public suggesting new and intersting ideas. together with lots of feedback and comments on our current product ranges. However, all our ideas are generated in house and through our agencies, often many years in their planning. Not all ideas are feasible due to technology restraints, and may be shelved until a future date.
We continually carry out research into the needs and requirements of our consumers and we record all the comments received on our products.
Regarding the price of our products: We give the retail sector our recommended retail price as a guide it is then up to them how much they sell our products for over which we have no control.
Opal Fruits are now called Starburst and are available from most outlets.
My favourite chocolates are the Mars Planets and the new Galaxy Block Dark Chocolate that has only just been released.
Yours sincerely
Antony Kirk
Consumer Care Team
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